So what have
we done?
Cusheon Lake Stewardship has helped by:
- Having Monthly Stewardship meetings and reporting to the Beddis and Cusheon Lake Area Residents Association
- Cleaning the shoreline by removing garbage and other waste
- Informing the community and government officials through meetings
- Testing of oxygen profiles, temperature, secchi disk, lake
levels, water clarity have been taken by CLSC members over the
past several years
- Records, which have been kept since 1999, are sent to the
BC Lake Stewardship Society each year
- Producing this website
would love to hear your suggestions for this site or on what
other ways we can all help keep the lakes and watersheds we
all share healthy.
Please email us at:
help is needed!
out how to become a Shoreline Ambassador
Join the Cusheon Lake Stewardship Committee by becoming a member of BACARA . Come
and join in on the fun!
For information please email us at: